simply unique on the Katschberg
Whether it's craftsmanship or a course to make your own herbal ointment - unique experiences await you on Katschberg
Tradition and Customs on Katschberg
Experience HoamART farmer's autumn festival on Katschberg
From the end of August to the end of October, we celebrate numerous autumn festivals on Katschberg as part of the HoamART program. Be there when the hunting horn players sound their tunes, when the Queen of Hearts is chosen at the Gamskogelhütte or when the farmer Andy brings down the ponies from the mountain pastures to the valley.
- Cooking traditional dishes & making foot spray, Branntweinerhütte
- Traditional costume fashion show, Gamskogelhütte
- "Baking with Christina" und making herbal ointments, Kösslbacher Alm
- From milk cream to butter and from milk to cheese, Laußnitzerhütte
- Alpine Horn gathering, Katschberghöhe
- Folkloric evening, Das KATSCHBERG
- Pony Almabtrieb, Pritzhütte
- Traditional scythe sharpening and carving, Schoberblickhütte
- Hop harvest festival, Stamperl
- Path of Alpine Folk Music, Katschberghöhe
- Stamperl Kirchtag, Stamperl